Imagine how heartbreaking it will be, having to walk several miles deep into the forest in search of life’s most essential resource; water, which remains one of the cheapest commodities on the planet yet unable to reach for some, that is the plight of the people of Prekumase, a village in Manya Krobo in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Prekumase, a farming community in the Eastern part of Ghana with a total population of about 1000 people, highly noted for the cultivation of Cassava and gari making is twice the distance of Accra to Koforidua. For once it appears the village has been cut off from the nation’s development agenda with little to no development and the dusty untarred roads leading to this community makes it simply unbearable.

A visit by the KJM Foundation team to the community revealed that even though the community has many prospects, it is faced with many challenges, key amongst them is the lack of clean drinking water. In a conversation with the Chief of Prekumase, Dadematse Jabatey Isaac, he stated that the community is in dire need of water since their only source of water dries up intermittently and becomes dreadful during the dry season since the entire community depends on the small water that sits on the ground. He further lamented that the community lacks basic healthcare and the only healthcare facility serving the neighboring communities was situated in Sekesua, several miles away from Prekumase. For long, it has been their prayer and wish to find a helper who will provide residents of Prekumase with potable clean drinking water.

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